Another great article.

Two things come to mind;

-The Daily Mail article was never intended as news. It was meant to explore opposition response, scored well and *bingo*, it’s on Fox. Murdoch tests his dumps for the virality and monitors results. We have to remember this is deliberate, not chance.

-Opposition to this sewage factory has to be multi-pronged; your idea to hunt and counter the spreaders is good, but stochastic. I’ve been troll hunting on Reddit for years and have come to some conclusions; there are more trolls dedicated to bad acting and they don’t care if you disprove them, they just glom onto the next BS talking point, gleeful that you or anyone spent your precious life energy in an attempt to respond.

Zuckerberg’s damage is real and we need a systemic response. I’ll keep banging the Fairness Doctrine drum.

And thanks again for your insights, they feel like a breath of fresh air.

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The snarky disinformation is not limited to splashy news like beef. I have an intelligent informed friend who is a financial advisor and she asked me once if Biden was planning to tax "unrealized capital gains". She was horrified at the thought. I talked her off the ledge, but the Republican financial world circulates unfounded crap as well. (BTW I'm sure she voted for Biden so that made it all the more worrisome that she believed that for a nano-second).

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Another great read. I agree that all of us bear responsibility to share facts to combat the fiction being pushed via social media.

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Great piece!

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"Plant-based beer." Thank you for this hilarious talking point. Sheesh.

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