My only surprise: since I live in NE Florida, I know many MAGA folk, many retired, as I am. I have been in their houses, over the years. I have never seen a book in most of these homes. It is remarkable the first time you notice it. I mean, how do you not have books?

Years ago my wife and I were talking to another couple. He had expressed admiration for the movie Unbroken. I mentioned we had the book which was much better than the movie, if he wanted to borrow it. His wife said, a bit proudly, that this 70 year-old retired bank executive had not read a book since high school.

What do they do with all these bulk purchases? Build seawalls against the rising water they refuse to address?

I have bought a copy of your book but will buy two more to send to a couple of friends who read.

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While I am totally sympathetic to the importance of your need to “play the game” as it currently exists, I am appalled that the New York Times - and other best seller lists - do not disclose the fact and impact of these bulk sales on the rankings. The industry must be able to identify bulk sales. Why can’t that be publicized too?

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I have already ordered a book and it wasn’t the promise of a signed copy that lured me. I did know a little bit about the importance of preorders but the real reason is both my husband and I read “Yes We (Still) Can” and “Un-Trumping America” loved them. I can’t wait for the new book!”

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Just ordered my second book today, Dan. Thanks for all you do.

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Maybe progressive nonprofits could offer your book as a premium during fundraising drives (instead of a tote bag).

Looking forward to my pre-ordered copy.

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So, Ted Cruz is a literary wanker as well. Not surprised.

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So much of this just comes down to money. The Republican machine is well-funded because many rich people want to keep what they have, and Republican leaders are happy to oblige. Honesty and integrity don't seem to matter anymore.

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It would be interesting, if such metrics existed, to know how many terminal sales are to individuals, how many of those actually get read, how many of those were purchased from a bookseller and how many from political fundraising appeals, how effective the books (or even just the title) are in motivating MAGA voters, and where the money goes - the pockets of the authors/publisher? campaign chests? the pockets of political advisors and intermediaries?

With the Republicans, there's always the likelihood that the co-equal, if not priority, objectives are grifting off the base and self-dealing.

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I read your posts regularly and have purchased your book, knowing that it will be a somewhat excruciating process reading it - because these truths are discouraging and frightening. I agree with you that the so-called best seller list is becoming disreputable, but another reason these books become popular is they act as a form of “soma” - reinforcing the lies that give the far-right its purpose and unfortunately, its power.

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Isn't there another source of right-wing propaganda, namely books & articles from the religious right, especially evangelicals who conflate religion with their politics?

Another thought: the younger voters who communicate on social media may not be reached through books as much as through other means.

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